Exploring and auditing new data with RMarkdown (in-class tutorial)

Hannes Datta

Before we get started

  • Group work will get started - ensure your teams are properly registered
  • Any pending installation issues? Let me know!

Structure of this tutorial

Data preparation theory (I) - Research workflow

Main goals in each step of the research workflow

Data preparation theory (II): Components of source code

1) Initializing the script/setup

  • Loading packages
  • Making connections to databases
  • Knowing whether to prototype or not 2) Input
  • Read data (e.g., unstructured/unstructured data, remote/local locations, files or databases) 3) Transformation
  • E.g., filtering, aggregation, merging, transformation, deduplication (more later) 4) Output
  • Store (intermediate) data, figures (e.g., auditing, final)

Data preparation theory (III): A research pipeline

Research pipeline

Today's session

  • Today, we’re “just” exploring data
  • …but, some of the source code will end up in your data preparation for your project.

Today's focus: Step 1 of research workflow

Exploring data using RMarkdown

  • Recall, there are multiple ways to code in R
    • RStudio
    • Your favorite script editor (e.g., VS Code) + running from the terminal
  • But – in all of these cases, the output will be “ugly” (i.e., just some text)
  • RMarkdown is a way to format output nicely – and ideally suited for exploring data
    • mix of code and text (formatted in markdown) - you already know the concept from Jupyter Notebook
    • possibility to compile into HTML, PDF, Word, etc.
  • great for prototyping code, but bad for “production” (this is also the case for Python's Jupter Notebook)

DO: Creating your first RMarkdown

In today's session, we create our own RMarkdown document.

  1. Select file –> new –> RMarkdown.
  2. Choose HTML as output, and pick a good file name (e.g., “tutorial”)
  3. Try to compile the document by clicking on “knit to HTML”. Save your document before first!

We will continue when you're done.

RMarkdown basics

  • We already know markdown syntax, right?
    • If not: find a cheat sheet online right now!
  • All compiled the document? Try this first always!
  • Code cells & running code (click, ctrl/cmd+enter)
  • Using inline code
  • Options to run (or not run) code cells when compiling documents
    • that 'little wheel'
    • echo, include

Reviewing basic programming concepts in Base R

  • Datacamp's Intermediate covers “base R” - basic programming concepts that are at the core of R
  • We will first review some of these concepts.
  • It's good to have a cheat sheet available - use this

Do: Recap from our bootcamp

Let's create some data!

x <- c(10, 20, NA, 5, 3, 100)

Write code that displays…

  1. all values equal to 10
  2. all values NOT equal to 10
  3. values larger than 20
  4. counts the number of missing values
  5. all values larger than 20 OR missing values
  6. all values larger than 5 and smaller than 20.

Do: Controls

  • If statements allow you to conditionally execute some parts of your code.
  • Please first download some data - observe the n_max statement!
download.file("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hannesdatta/course-dprep/master/content/docs/modules/week4/regional-global-daily-latest.csv", "streams.csv")
streams <- read_csv('streams.csv', skip=1, n_max = Inf)
  • Imagine the data had millions of rows. Write some code that only opens the first 100 rows if a variable called prototype is TRUE. If prototype is FALSE, all rows need to be loaded.


download.file("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hannesdatta/course-dprep/master/content/docs/modules/week4/regional-global-daily-latest.csv", "streams.csv")

prototype = TRUE
n_max = Inf
if (prototype==TRUE) n_max = 100
streams <- read_csv('streams.csv', skip=1, n_max = n_max)


  • read.csv is NOT read_csv (the latter is more efficient!)
  • nmax / nrows (for read.csv) are __critically important_!

Why are we doing this again?

Remeber our research workflow? Before we can start with exactly the same data, we all need to download this data set first.

Question: Why not do it manually? What could go wrong?


  • Loops are super handy to execute functions over and over again.
urls = c('http://data.insideairbnb.com/the-netherlands/north-holland/amsterdam/2022-09-07/visualisations/listings.csv', 'http://data.insideairbnb.com/belgium/vlg/antwerp/2022-06-22/visualisations/listings.csv', 'http://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/nc/asheville/2023-06-18/visualisations/listings.csv')

for (url in urls) {
  filename = paste(gsub('[^a-zA-Z]', '', url), '.csv') # keep only letter
  filename = gsub('httpdatainsideairbnbcom', '', filename) # wipe httpdatainsideairbnbcom from filename
  download.file(url, destfile = filename) # download file

Do: Use the code snippet from the previous slide to download all historical listing datasets for the city of Barcelona. Check whether files have been saved properly!


# your code here
# urls = # Assemble list of URLs here
# then, copy paste code snippet for downloading and renaming data

Loops versus the "apply family"

  • Loops don't “return” anything - they just execute stuff over and over again
  • Functions from the apply family, though, DO return information.
  • Apply comes in multiple flavors:
    • lapply (loops over a vector or list, returns a list)
    • sapply (loops over a vector, returns as a vector)
    • apply (loops over rows or columns of a matrix, returns a vector)
    • Other versions of apply exist, but I rarely use them
  • Applies are super handy when working with data

Using `lapply` for crunching data

urls = c('http://data.insideairbnb.com/the-netherlands/north-holland/amsterdam/2023-09-03/visualisations/listings.csv', 'http://data.insideairbnb.com/belgium/vlg/antwerp/2023-06-28/visualisations/listings.csv', 'http://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/nc/asheville/2023-06-18/visualisations/listings.csv')

datasets <- lapply(urls, read_csv, n_max = 200, col_types=list(neighbourhood='character'))


  1. run the code snippet above, and inspect the data. You can enter each data set by typing datasets[[1]], datasets[[2]], etc. - does it correspond to what you would expect?
  2. Obtain summary statistics for all data sets, using lapply and the summary.
  3. Combine all data sets into one, using bind_rows(). Can you still correctly identify the name of the original city?

Why again `lapply`?

What's the key difference between the “apply family” and “for loops”?


  • lapply “returns” stuff; loops just execute stuff without returning anything

Steps in data preparation

Each and every source code file obeys to this procedure. We called this setup-ITO earlier.

  • 1) Setup such as loading packages, setting variables, making database connection
  • 2) Input (e.g., loading data)
  • 3) Transformation
    • many options…: filtering, grouping and summarizing, creating new variables, etc.
    • mostly leads to a “different primary key than the input data” (–> unit of analysis!)
  • 4) Output (e.g., saving, passing on to the next script)

To do all of this, we require knowledge on new programming concepts. So let's continue.


  • Sometimes, we would like to re-use code. For this, we make use of self-made functions.
  • For example, a function that “reduces” the size of the data set to the unit of analysis you're interested in.
  • Start by prototyping your function.
my_dataset = datasets[[1]]
my_dataset %>% group_by(neighbourhood) %>% summarize(hosts = n_distinct(host_id))


  1. Write a function that executes the data aggregation code above, for any dataset it receives as an input. Tip: start with prep_data <- function(dataset) { # your code here }
  2. Try to test the function on datasets[[1]] and datasets[[2]]

Solution and extra do's: Functions

prep_data <- function(dataset) {
  my_dataset = dataset %>% group_by(neighbourhood) %>% summarize(hosts = n_distinct(host_id))

Now let's continue with some more exercises.

  1. Call the function on all datasets stored in datasets, using lapply. Save the result in a new variable, called edited_datasets.
  2. The result still is available in three separate data sets. Can you use the bind_rows() function from the dplyr package to bind them together? Call it final_dataset.


prep_data <- function(dataset) {
  result = dataset %>% group_by(neighbourhood) %>% summarize(hosts = n_distinct(host_id))
  result = result %>% mutate(neighbourhood = as.character(neighbourhood))
edited_datasets <- lapply(datasets, prep_data)
final_dataset <- bind_rows(edited_datasets)

Some more programming concepts that help us transform data

  • Regular expressions are extremely powerful to work with text data – e.g., neighborhoods, city names, etc.
    • grepl can filter for information, without typing the “exact” search query
    • gsub helps you to replace information
final_dataset %>% filter(grepl('Centrum', neighbourhood))
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  neighbourhood      hosts
  <chr>              <int>
1 Bijlmer-Centrum        1
2 Centrum-Oost          36
3 Centrum-West          30
4 Historisch Centrum    13
5 Hoboken - Centrum      1


  1. Search for the neighboorhood de pijp using filter and grepl.
  2. Search for the zuidas using filter and grepl. Can you make your search case-insensitive?

Summary of concepts covered so far

  • setup-ito
  • knitting markdown documents
  • conditional logic
  • controls
  • downloading data
  • loops and the apply family (lapply)
  • functions

Now we can get started with exploring data

  • We'll make use of the Google mobility dataset


  1. Download the regional CSV from https://www.google.com/covid19/mobility/ & unzip
  2. Load the data into R using read_csv()
  3. Start exploring the data: use head(), tail(), and View()

Unit of analysis

  • Unit of analysis: Fundamental concept in data analysis. Refers to the specific entity or level of observation at which you collect, process, and analyze data.

  • Why is it important? It determines how you aggregate, summarize, and interpret your data. Without knowing your unit of analysis – at each part of your project – you will likely get lost.

  • Example: The listing data is at the “city-listing” level. However, we may want to analyze the AirBnB data at the city-listing-date level. Aggregation may be necessary.

Summary statistics

  • We can generate summary statistics using the summary() command.
    • do values make sense?
    • are there any missing values?
  • We can also zoom in on specific columns
    • let's start making sense of the retail_and_recreation_percent_change_from_baseline variable: what does it mean?
    • let's plot this variable over time!
  • If our target unit of analysis is different from the unit of analysis in the current data set, we can also use aggregation.

Cleaning the data

  • Typically, the raw data is always messy and likely not at the correct unit of analysis (e.g., city level).
  • Also, we may still want to select columns, or rename them.


  1. Drop these columns: cols_to_drop <- c('country_region_code', 'metro_area', 'iso_3166_2_code', 'census_fips_code')
  2. Rename sub_region_1 to province, and sub_region_2 to city

We can also use more advanced functions, e.g., to wipe the percent_change... from the column names.

Verifying data types

  • class(mobility$date)
  • Can only calculate with dates when they are actual dates!

Do: Selecting subsets

  • Can you explore the data a bit more? Which observations are measured at the country level?
  • How can you select only these country-level observations, using %>% filter(...)?

Wrapping everything up in a "clean" script

  1. Setup done/packages and other prerequisites loaded?
  2. Adhered to input - transformation - output?
  3. File callable from the command prompt? –> we will need this for automation in subsequent tutorials (Rscript <filename>)

Let's zoom out again

Remember the workflow from the start of today's session?

Main goals in each step of the research workflow

We've just covered step 1. Concepts and programming knowledge extends to subsequent parts.

Next steps

  • Work through the tutorial and complete exercises (all solutions available)
  • Start working on team projects
    • pick a dataset: IMDB or InsideAirbnb
    • come up with a 'research question' (but note: this course is about engineering a research pipeline, not about rigorously answering the RQ!)
  • Join our coaching session, following today's tutorial session (check room!)


Coaching session

Welcome to today's coaching session.

Before we get started

  • Recap: Git workflow (using our Cheatsheet)
  • Example application: contributing to open source projects using forks and pull requests (can demonstrate)

  • How's your team work going?

    • Let's look at some of your repositories right now
    • Reality check: doubting whether to stay enrolled? tell your team how you feel!

Coaching session - To do

  • Today's focus: See grading details, section 2.1 (“Data exploration”)
    • Download raw data programmatically
    • Create RMarkdown reports for raw data/input files…
    • allowing users to understand content of such files, and the definition of variables.
    • properly formatted, rendered as HTML or PDF files
    • feature information in a variety of modes (e.g., running text, tables, or figures).
    • code irrelevant to understanding data, including warning messages, are hidden.